Webinar 22 March 2022: “Special customs procedures: inward and outward processing” (Italian only)

On 22 March 2022 from 4.00 to 4.45 pm our webinar on “Regimi doganali speciali: perfezionamento attivo e passivo” will be held (in Italian language) by Paolo Dragone (WTS R&A Studio Tributario).

In the context of special customs procedures, a very important role is played by the processing procedures: inward and outward.

The “active” regime makes it possible to use non-Union goods and export compensating products, limiting the tax burden; the “passive” regime allows to use more advanced technologies or savings on production costs.

Despite the strategic importance of these regimes, their concrete use is the prerogative of a few productive realities, causing a loss of competitiveness of our country system.

The focus of the webinar is to illustrate these rules in order to provide companies with support in dealing with this complex issue.

For more information and accreditation: eventi@anteprima.ra-wts.it. Participation is free of charge.


Our upcoming webinars (in Italian language):

  • Thursday 14 April 2022 from 17.30 to 18.30: Webinar of the series Corporate and Tax Webinar
  • Tuesday 24 maggio 2022, dalle 16.00 alle 16.45: Webinar of the series Customs Webinar

• Tuesday 21 giugno 2022, dalle 16.00 alle 16.45: Webinar of the series Customs Webinar