Webinar 16 March 2021: “Brexit: transfer of goods to and from the UK” (Italian only)

On 16th March 2021 our firm will host a webinar on “Brexit: movimentazione dei beni da e per il Regno Unito. Problematiche e soluzioni” adrressed to all operators who move goods from and to United Kingdom (for instance, manufacturing, fairs, repairs, etc.). The topic will be illustrated by Paolo Dragone, Managing Associate di WTS R&A Studio Tributario.

To register, please send an e-mail to eventi@anteprima.ra-wts.it.

Participation is free of charge.


Our next webinars:

– 15th April 2021 from 5.30 to 6.30 pm: “Transfer Pricing: novità relative alla documentazione e implicazioni da COVID-19”

– 4th May 2021 from 4 to 4.45 pm: “E-commerce: novità IVA MOSS 2021”

– 15th June 2021 from 4  to 4.45 pm: “E-commerce: disciplina doganale”

– 23rd September 2021 from 5.30 to 6.30 pm: temi relativi a bilancio e reddito di impresa.