Webinar 23 November 2021: “Pan-Euro-Mediterranean Convention (PEM): news relating to the rules of origin in trade with partner countries […] ” (Italian only)

On Tuesday 23 November 2021 from 4.00 to 4.45 pm our webinar on “Convenzione Paneuromediterranea (PEM): le novità relative alle regole di origine nei traffici verso paesi partner come Svizzera, Norvegia, ecc.” will be held (in Italian language) by Paolo Dragone (WTS R&A Studio Tributario) via Zoom for companies wishing to take advantage of the new transitional preferential rules of origin.

For more information and accreditation: eventi@anteprima.ra-wts.it. Participation is free of charge.


Our upcoming webinar (in Italian language):

•             Thursday 20 January 2022 from 5.30 to 6.30 pm: “Legge di bilancio e novità per il 2022”